PR NEWS provides you with information about new association and PR-related Web sites. Following is a list of newcomers, in the past several months, and a description of their sites:

Schwartz Communications - This high-tech PR firm's Web site lists information about the market niche the company occupies and the services it offers as well as its list of clients and awards.

Colle & McVoy - Information found at this URL provides details about the scope of this company's services: advertising, PR, direct marketing, market research, media, creative, sales promotion and production services.

Direct Marketing Association - The DMA is the largest trade association for businesses interested in database and interactive marketing, and its site provides insight into what thi 3,600-member organization does.

RMR & Associates - What you'll find at this location is news about RMR, which gives small and start-up businesses a "big" corporate identity.

Reality Online Inc. - Hit this Web site for financial news. Reality Online is a Reuters Holding PLC company designed to help financial service firms connect with their customers. Online technology services, brokerage transactions and content with a financial twist are offered.

BBN Corp. - Visitors who access this site will find a description of this company's services and what alliances and new projects it has embarked on. BBN is a provider of managed Internet access services and software application development.

Carl Thompson Associates - Carl Thompson Associates, which specializes in investor relations, posts news releases, annual and quarterly reports, stock quotes and analyst estimates.

Hercky-Pasqua-Herman - This site contains tweaked information for marketing, advertising and sales management professionals. Its hot-link pages offer direct access to 25 Web sites with research data, "how-to" hints and breaking industry news.

Georgia Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America - This site mirrors some of this chapter's print offerings --i.e. newsletter coverage and upcoming events.

The Public Relations Strategist's The Red Book of PR Firms & Consultants: This site features information you'll find in the Public Relations Society of America's annual Red Book - everything from editorial reports to descriptions about more than 50 PR firms categorized according to expertise.