Changes in PR Salaries

PR News’ 2014 Salary Survey shows that most PR pros and communicators obtained salary increases last year. But, for the majority, the percentage increases were relatively anemic.

▶ Hikes in PR Salaries Pretty Low: While many PR pros and communicators landed salary increases last year, the percentage increases (for the most part) were nothing to write home about. That’s according to PR News’ 2014 Salary Survey, which was released earleir this month. Here are some of stats from the survey, which garnered 1,051 responses from the PR field.

• Most of the respondents got raises of 1% to 3%. About 13% of the respondents received raises of 4% to 6% (see below).

• In 2013, roughly 41% of the respondents said they were “somewhat satisfied” with their compensation while about 12% of the respondents said they were “very dissatisfied” (see below).

• Strategic decision-making (90.8%) and collaboration (86.5%) were the top two skills cited by PR pros in order to advance in an organization

• A quarter of PR execs working at the corporate and agency levels clocked in 50-60 work hours per week.

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For a copy of PR News’ 2014 Salary Survey, please go to

This article originally appeared in the March 17, 2014 issue of PR News. Read more subscriber-only content by becoming a PR News subscriber today.