PR Insiders


Trump’s ‘Morning Joe’ Tweets: Apotheosis of a Communications Strategy

June 30th, 2017 by

President Trump’s June 29 tweets about “Morning Joe” hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough have generated plenty of outrage in the professional media, on social channels and in home kitchens across the land. In his tweets, the president, fed up with the MSNBC morning news show’s critical coverage of his administration, went easy on Scarborough… Continued

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Trump’s ‘Morning Joe’ Tweets: Apotheosis of a Communications Strategy

June 30th, 2017 by

President Trump’s June 29 tweets about “Morning Joe” hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough have generated plenty of outrage in the professional media, on social channels and in home kitchens across the land. In his… Continued

How to Make Sure Your Daily News Briefing Is Read Every Day

June 21st, 2017 by

Do employees at your brand read the daily news briefing only during a crisis and on days when products launch? If so, you’re missing a big opportunity to frame internal communications. To counter sporadic reading habits you need to keep the content of the daily briefing relevant and broaden the scope of articles when your brand’s goals change. Here are best practices that will serve you and augment the importance of the PR function.

White House Is Shaping Public Perceptions of PR, Practitioners Say—and That’s Not Good

June 20th, 2017 by

You think nobody is paying attention to the White House communications team and whether or not it’s influencing the public’s perception of the PR industry? Not so, says a new survey from USC’s Annenberg School. And as the last few weeks have shown, communications, whether at the White House, other parts of Washington, D.C. or at your brand’s offices, can be a high stakes affair.

6 Tips for New PR Grads

June 19th, 2017 by

It’s nearly the end of graduation season. What this means, of course, is that graduates will be looking for jobs. It’s estimated that there will be 1.1 million undergraduate degrees granted this year. Nearly 10% of those graduates majored in communications and journalism. Do the math. The competition for good-paying positions will be stiff. In truth, that’s usually the case. Here are 6 tips from a veteran of the PR and journalism wars that can help you get where you want to go.

Learn to Write Snappily From Snapchat and Hemingway

June 14th, 2017 by

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address contained fewer than 300 words and it’s considered one of the greatest speeches in the history of this country. In an era when we can tap out brief, usually cogent, messages on social media platforms, why do many of us revert to long, Proustian prose when we get behind the keyboard in our offices? Let’s do away with lengthy press releases, laden with jargon and numerous buzzwords. Perhaps social media and Papa Hemingway can help solve this epidemic in the making.

Next Time You’re at an Industry Event, Apply These 5 Simple Rules

June 12th, 2017 by

In the course of your career, you’ll have attended dozens if not hundreds of industry events where – if you’re like most human attendees – you’ve exchanged business cards as if by rote, refilled your… Continued

Next Time You’re at an Industry Event, Apply These 5 Simple Rules

June 12th, 2017 by

As communicators, you know the importance of face-to-face encounters, having a meaningful conversation IRL (in real life). Whether you are attending an industry event to learn, to network or to market your brand, here are the 5 habits of highly effective event-goers.

How Three Brands Found Success With Micro-Influencers

June 8th, 2017 by

Size matters in some things, but not all. Steph Curry is proving that. As Shonduras said during the sold-out Social Shake-Up Show recently, brands can be successful by deploying micro-influencers who have small but highly engaged followers. Speaking of size, small, media and even large brands are taking to micro-influencers. Here’s how three of them are doing it.

Voice-Activated Communications Takes Next Step With Apple’s HomePod

June 6th, 2017 by

Usually Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WDC) is a no-brainer, page 1 story. That it’s been relegated to the business section in some sites and newspapers this week is a reflection of the severity of global news… Continued