Media Training


Tips and Tactics to Make Media Training Successful and Efficient

June 27th, 2016 by

In our nervous-twitch environment, PR execs who provide media training often face an executive or a team that has received coaching previously. These executives or team members know—or think they know—the basics and don’t want to waste time on Training 101. They are content- and results-focused and likely lack the PR knowledge about how the 3 P’s (preparation, practice and performance) can be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful interview.

Your Half-Year PR Leadership Checklist: 7 Important Reminders for Communicators

June 26th, 2016 by

You’re halfway through what’s been a rather interesting year in business, politics, brand successes and blunders and Game of Thrones developments. Which is to say: you still have another five solid months to make this… Continued

8 Items to Put in Your Messaging Toolkit

June 2nd, 2016 by

When you have an important message to communicate—especially one that might be controversial or unpopular—you need more than just the message itself. You should equip yourself with a “messaging toolkit” that will help you effectively deliver (and justify) your message in various formats to various media.

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Broadcast Interview

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from Maura Fitzgerald’s article “Making the Most Out of Broadcast: Turning Your Exec Into a Media Star” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. Dress: ■Dress conservatively. For men, a… Continued

Structuring Your Messaging Playbook

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from David Hlavac’s article “How to Take a ‘Playbook’ Approach to Messaging: 7 Tips for a Winning Strategy” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. In order to make… Continued

3 Places to Insert Messages

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from Andy Gilman’s article “Top Execs Don’t Have Much Time for Coaching: Focus on These 3 Tips” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. Question: When is the best time… Continued

The Do’s and Don’ts to Get You Started With Volunteer Spokespeople

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from Rosalyn Mandola’s article “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Volunteer Social Media Engagements” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. DO – Provide guidelines with “must… Continued

8 Body Language Recommendations for Broadcast Interviews

May 11th, 2016 by

Scenario: You’re a veteran PR pro leading communications for a suddenly hot start-up, and you’ve just gotten a request from a broadcast network for a live interview that day with your 22-year-old CEO. These tips for managing body language during a broadcast interview are going to come in might handy.

The TV & Radio Interview: A Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare for Success

May 9th, 2016 by

While broadcast interviews can make even the most sophisticated executives uneasy, they offer a unique opportunity to deliver messages to a wide audience quickly and simultaneously.

9 Ways Spokespeople Can Annoy Reporters

May 5th, 2016 by

Even those PR pros who are experts at researching a particular journalist’s beat and outlet and successfully land an interview for their company’s lead spokesperson—say, a CEO—can aggravate time-strapped journalists if that spokesperson is ill-prepared or has a defensive attitude.