Business Bloggers Say ‘Authentic’ CEOs Get Most Respect

Top business bloggers would like CEOs—particularly in the financial sector—to acknowledge the mistakes and excesses of corporate America to show that they are in touch with reality, says a study by the 10 company and Gotham Research Group. Interviewing 10 prominent bloggers who cover corporate and business news, the study finds that CEOs perceived as “inauthentic” by the bloggers were not only considered to be less likeable than authentic CEOs, but also thought to be less capable and less effective leaders.

Other findings include:

  • Inauthentic CEO traits cited by the bloggers include: lack of courage; failure to engage in unscripted “give and take”; and failure to acknowledge and discuss their company’s challenges.

  • The bloggers surveyed say that no CEOs are getting blogger relationships right today—the CEOs who were most often named as being authentic were Warren Buffet, Herb Kelleher and the late Steve Jobs.

  • Top five phrases named by bloggers as red flags of inauthentic CEOs: This deal is a win-win; thinking/working/planning outside the box; we’re not here to talk about the past; we are an innovative company; and executive X is stepping down to spend more time with his family (a code for an executive who is being forced out of a job).

Source: the 10 company/Gotham Research Group