Building Reputation In the Season of Giving

Strategic philanthropy could be the key to making your holiday jolly this year. Sixty-one percent of American consumers report they are likely to consider a company's
reputation for supporting causes while buying gifts, and 58% say they plan to purchase a product in which a percentage of the price is donated to a cause. That's according to the
2000 Cone Holiday Trend Tracker, conducted with more than 1,000 respondents between Nov. 9 and Nov. 12. Other notable findings: Women are more likely than men to take a
company's philanthropic reputation into account - 65% of women say they think about a company's support of causes when shopping vs. 56% of men. But don't worry, guys. Your
numbers are going up - in 1997 62% of women considered philanthropic reputation vs. only 50% of men.

(Cone: Anne Chan, 617/227-2111)