Books About Web Sites

Writing for the Web, by Crawford Kilian

Addresses how to organize information and write for the Web. Includes links to additional resources in the side margins.

Web Style Guide, by Patrick Lynch and Sarah Horton

Provides an overview of technical elements related to Web design, including typography, graphics and multimedia. The first two chapters offer a concise treatment of the
process of Web site creation.

Designing Web Usability, by Jakob Nielsen

Explains elements that make a Web site usable. The chapters on page, content, and site design are the strongest. Offers live examples from the Web.

Usability Engineering, by Jakob Nielsen

The bible on usability. Nielsen's book is cited by nearly everyone who has written about the subject since its publication in 1993. The book offers a general (non-Web)
treatment of the subject, is fairly theoretical, and probably dry reading to most.

Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville

Presents a framework for approaching Web development projects. A bit dry, however.

Web Site Usability: A Designer's Guide, by Jared M. Spool et. al.

A quick read based on observations of people using leading Web sites. The authors share several preliminary conclusions about Web site usability, some of which have been

(Friedman, 415/824-1466; Kraus, 202/778-1000.)

Web Sites About Web Sites; User Interface Engineering,
firm run by Jared M. Spool. Publishes free email newsletter UIEtips.; Jakob Nielsen's personal
site. Offers a host of articles and links on Web site usability, writing and
Features articles about online writing. Recommended as a supplement to Crawford
Kilian's book.; Includes 734 links
related to Web site usability. Highly recommended.; Offers newsletter
and articles on usability. It's a mixed bag of good and fair stuff.