Stories by Steve Goldstein


Wanted: Content Strategists With PR Savvy

July 10th, 2013 by

Marketers and PR professionals keep hearing the drumbeat of content marketing. And it takes a great content strategist to pick up this beat and produce the right kind of content for the right channel.

Storytelling Skills the Secret Ingredient in Coca-Cola’s Digital Formula

July 5th, 2013 by

Ashley Callahan, who manages content development for Coca-Cola Journey and who will be leading an online storytelling session at PR News’ Aug. 5 Writing Boot Camp in San Francisco, notes that her company prizes storytelling skills, deeming them essential to building audiences in the crowded digital landscape.

4 Ways to Keep Your Brand in the News When There Is No News

July 5th, 2013 by

Media relations can be a real challenge for your brand when there is no real news to offer—no new product or service, no upgrade, no high-profile hire, no acquisition, no new financials to report.

Click on This Headline

July 3rd, 2013 by

OK, I stole the idea for this headline from Abbie Hoffman, author of “Steal This Book.” But let’s call it an homage instead of outright theft. My headline was inspired by WFMU radio host Tom Scharpling, who was, in his show last nigh…

A Teachable Twitter Moment, Courtesy of the Baldwins and Their Tormentors

June 28th, 2013 by

Did she or didn’t she? That is, did Alec Baldwin’s wife tweet about “amazing recipes,” wedding anniversary presents and her appearance on the “Rachael Ray Show” at James Gandolfini’s funeral service?

How to Avoid Talking to Yourself on Facebook

June 21st, 2013 by

Morgan McLintic, executive vice president of LEWIS PR and PR News Next Practices Annual Conference presenter, weighs in on Instagram video and what it takes to grow a community on Facebook.

No Heat Loss: 5 Steps to Keep Momentum After the Big Game

June 21st, 2013 by

The Miami Heat beat the San Antonio Spurs last night in dramatic fashion to claim its second consecutive NBA championship, and increased global awareness of the towering image of star LeBron James first, and its own team brand second. That’s a lot of No. 6 jerseys and, ultimately, boosts in CPMs for Heat games on TV.

10 Tips for Writing Strong Lead Paragraphs in News Releases

June 21st, 2013 by

The basics of writing great news releases are more important than ever. Outside of your headline, most of your focus should be on crafting a strong lead paragraph—that’s where your news release lives or dies.

Are You a PR Pro From Krypton?

June 14th, 2013 by

If you’re an immigrant from Krypton living in the U.S.—or in any spot on Earth—then flying without the benefit of a wingspan or jet propulsion and hearing the flutter of a butterfly in Ensenada while you’re leaping over the Empire State…

Father’s Day Message for Brands: 43% of Dads Take Equal Responsibility as Caregivers

June 14th, 2013 by

Gibbs & Soell examined attitudes among 469 parents (including fathers) of children under 18 about their attitudes toward their roles as nurturers and household managers.