Stories by Jay Hickman, MMI Agency


How to Make Your Press Release Strategic and Media-Friendly

September 5th, 2017 by

While debate rages about the death of the press release, many brands continue to use this traditional vehicle, although with updates, of course. As such, it’s important to know what a press release can do for your brand, and what it can’t. Strategic use of well-crafted press releases can garner useful coverage and contribute tactically to your media strategy.

How to Get Reluctant Executives to Stop Worrying and Talk with the Media

August 15th, 2017 by

You’ve got a great story to tell and a media representative ready to listen, but your company’s gun-shy leadership doesn’t want to engage with the press. While staying away from the spotlight can be the right call at times, we know earned media can help burnish your company’s reputation and make it more resonant. Try taking small steps with your executives to demonstrate that not all media members are looking to attack them and the brand.