Stories by Ian James Wright


Tips and Tricks for a Successful Broadcast Interview

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from Maura Fitzgerald’s article “Making the Most Out of Broadcast: Turning Your Exec Into a Media Star” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. Dress: ■Dress conservatively. For men, a… Continued

Structuring Your Messaging Playbook

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from David Hlavac’s article “How to Take a ‘Playbook’ Approach to Messaging: 7 Tips for a Winning Strategy” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. In order to make… Continued

3 Places to Insert Messages

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from Andy Gilman’s article “Top Execs Don’t Have Much Time for Coaching: Focus on These 3 Tips” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. Question: When is the best time… Continued

The Do’s and Don’ts to Get You Started With Volunteer Spokespeople

May 16th, 2016 by

This piece is excerpted from Rosalyn Mandola’s article “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Volunteer Social Media Engagements” in the PR News Media Training Guidebook, Volume 6. DO – Provide guidelines with “must… Continued

6 Tips for Working With YouTube Influencers

May 13th, 2016 by

More and more, brands are realizing that audiences (especially young audiences) are spending a lot of time on YouTube, and that the video platform’s influential content creators are perhaps the best target for their media relations efforts. Consumers aged 13-24 spend more time watching YouTube than TV, it has been reported—the former seems more promising in the ROI department.

Tips for Making Splash-Worthy Social Content

May 6th, 2016 by

If your brand has a great visual story to tell, you’ve been given a gift that not everybody receives—don’t squander it by snapping a photo, putting it up on Instagram and calling it a day. Learning how to get the most out of that story is crucial if you want to join the higher echelon of digital content producers. Here are some tips from Kimberly Jaindl of Lockheed Martin to help you freshen up your storytelling style.

4 Metrics to Measure on Snapchat

April 28th, 2016 by

One of the most common questions communicators have upon getting into Snapchat is “How do I measure?” The lack of a native analytics platform or a web presence means that there simply isn’t a lot of data available, and what data there is has to be recorded manually. But there are still metrics that can inform the growth of your Snapchat strategy, as well as how effectively you’re engaging your audience.

Facebook Updates News Feed to Value Time Spent Reading by Audience

April 26th, 2016 by

If you’re like most content publishers, you probably measure time spent on a page, a helpful adjustment to your basic bounce rate metric. Guess who else is paying attention to that? Facebook. In a recent blog post, the social media kingpin announced that they will update publishers’ rankings based on how much time users spend looking at an article in the Facebook mobile browser after clicking through from News Feed.

6 Tips for Your Measurement Dashboard

April 21st, 2016 by

“It’s not just tracking mentions, but how are you being mentioned, what messages are you getting across!” With this important central concept in mind, Cindy Villafranca, senior specialist, communication & outreach at Southwest Airlines, walked… Continued

7 Instagram Updates You Should Know About

April 20th, 2016 by

When Instagram first caught our attention and won our hearts, it was through the platform’s utter simplicity: One-size photos, a handful of filter options and no frills. It was so simple that if you don’t use the app regularly, you may have formed an idea of what it is that isn’t as fluid as the reality. But if you aren’t familiar with the latest tweaks, you can be sure that the actual users of the platform are.