Another Kick-Back Day for Apple’s PR Team

Apple’s PR machine is working hard at introducing the world to its upcoming (well, maybe) HDTV iTV product (although it might not be called iTV). Well, “working hard” may be a slight overstatement. How about Apple has its influencers working hard to introduce the world to its iTV?

Apple prescribes to the following: Why sweat the PR when the public around the world will do it for you? And why should they sweat? Today’s iTV news comes via Australian tech site Smarthouse, which claims to have learned that the TV will come in three sizes, starting at 32 inches and going up to 55 inches. The source could only be attributed to “a major Japanese company that is involved in manufacturing the TV.” A SlashGear article, published on Halloween 2011, even had an artist’s rendering of the iTV. And to top it off, Steve Jobs’ comments in Walter Isaacson’s biography of the late Apple co-founder about perfecting the television add further fuel to the fire.

Notorious for being secretive about the launch of its products, Apple’s communications genius plays off that secrecy, allowing rumors to simmer before a public launch. A current example of this is the Dec. 9 opening of the Apple Store at NYC’s Grand Central Terminal. East Coast residents may already be jazzed at the option of perusing Apple products in the store while waiting for their trains. But a story recently broke that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which runs Grand Central, gave Apple a break in its lease: $60 per square foot for the 23,000-square-foot store, rather than $200 per square foot that other tenants pay. Not that this would ever prevent the store from actually opening.

Just another morsel that further whets the appetites of Apple fans, brought to you by sources other than Apple.