A (PR) Shot in the Arm for Drug Companies

By Tracey Zeeck/GroundFloor Media

Americans are constantly bombarded by manufactured images of the modern drug company - attractive models, beautiful photography, clever slogans. The concern, of course, is that
these companies are focused more on their bottom line and less on consumers' well-being.

Following are a few thoughts on how PR pros can improve a pharmaceutical company's image (and the image of other types of companies), making the brand more accessible, more
human and, above all, more desirable to the consumer.

  • Share How the Company Cares: Whether it's the creation of a charitable foundation, an annual donation to an aligned charity, or sponsorships at events which hope to find a
    cure, companies can quickly make a very human connection, which is many times the nudge a consumer needs to push them toward one brand vs. another.
  • Pitch Different Business Angles: Don't pitch just another drug company story. Learn as much as you can about how the company contributes to different economical initiatives,
    such as Health Economics Outcomes Research. You can educate the average consumer, as well as their prescribing physicians, on the positive economics associated with the building
    of better drugs.
  • Be Proactive: Go on the offensive from the start to let your audience know how your company extends its outreach - whether it's a free men's health clinic at a NASCAR race or
    surpassing U.S. borders to care for poorer nations. For instance, American drug companies are doing a better job of getting much-needed AIDS drugs to hard hit areas of the world.
    If your company has programs such as these, move it to the forefront in your messaging.
  • Remember, Testimonials Communicate Better Than the Best Creative Team Ever Can: Putting a face on drug industry success helps build trust in the brand. Just forty years ago,
    a cancer patient such as Lance Armstrong would have been put in the last room on the ward and told he wouldn't make it. As you know, because of today's medical marvels, Armstrong
    just won a record-breaking 6th Tour de France.