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Elian Gonzalez is finally drifting off the front pages, but apparently the profiting off Elian is just beginning - and we're not referring to the repulsively opportunistic
story on the cover of George magazine.

An email from Jason Hartman of Hartman Media, reads, "How in the world did Elian Gonzalez, a rather unremarkable little kid from an isolated Cuban village become a world
renowned celebrity? Elian has no particular talent, he isn't particularly charismatic, and he didn't discover a cure for cancer. But what he does have is publicity, and lots of

In his defense, in shilling his book, Become the Brand of Choice - How to Earn Millions through Relationship Marketing, Hartman says he's not suggesting crossing the
ocean in an inner tube, "but the process works the same way for the entrepreneur or business person who understands the way the media works."Clearly this is a man with a firm
grasp of how the media works.