
Seems Microsoft - which introduced its Ultimate TV at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month in Vegas - isn't the only gadget manufacturer vying to reposition itself
as a player in the home entertainment arena. Much to our delight, we received this week a release from the San Francisco-based dotcom (is it the only one left?) Xandria.com,
touting the following header: "Sex Toys Outgrow the Taint of Pornography and Emerge as Home Entertainment."

The release went on to build a strong case for naughty toys' rise to power, citing prominent sex paraphernalia appearances on HBO's "Sex in the City," vibrator jokes on late-
night talk shows and the FDA's recent approval of a suction device known as "Eros" that we're too embarrassed to describe - even in print.

The writers of the release dutifully followed textbook PR rules, substantiating their news with research courtesy of the San Francisco Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, which
indicates the most typical buyer ofsex toys is "female, white and thirty-something."

We must admit, this was the first time we can remember reading a snail mail release so thoroughly. Are we immature? Of course!

Does sex still sell? You betcha.