Archive: October 2000


Where’s the Love?

October 30th, 2000 by

In his book, Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People (Allworth Press) author Marc Gobé describes what differentiates Wal-Mart from Kmart, and Apple from Compaq. “Not all brands are created equal,” he… Continued

Wormhole to the Big Picture

October 30th, 2000 by

What does the future hold for the communications business? Consumers will be paid to watch or hear advertising, the U.S. Postal Service will give everyone in America an email address, and every corporation will employ… Continued

Online Crises Instill Fear in Corporate Hearts, But Plans Are Slow to Follow

October 30th, 2000 by

When GE announced its intended $45 billion acquisition of Honeywell last week, the morning-after buzz on the Yahoo! Finance message board was frenetic. Comments and speculations were popping up faster than mushrooms after a heavy… Continued

Usando Mercadeo Multirracial En Los Estados Unidos Para Destacar Productos En América Latina

October 26th, 2000 by

¿Puede una semilla plantada en Miami o Nueva York brotar en el Caribe? ¿O, puede una semilla sembrada en Los Angeles o San Antonio crecer en México? Claro que si – en el mundo del… Continued

Using Diversity Marketing In The U.S. To Create Product Awareness In Latin America

October 26th, 2000 by

Can a seed sown in Miami or New York take root in the Caribbean? Can one planted in Los Angeles or San Antonio grow throughout Mexico? Absolutely – in the world of healthcare marketing. An… Continued

Marcom Campaign Positions Ketchup As More Than A Condiment

October 26th, 2000 by

A Case Of Tomatoes When good news stares you in the face, don’t just accept it graciously. Turn it into even bigger news. This was the thinking at H.J. Heinz when various technical journals began… Continued

M&As Are Good For Organizations

October 26th, 2000 by

Most companies consider their most significant merger integration in the last decade to be a success, even if there were people conflicts and downsizing issues. That’s one of the conclusions in a report issued by… Continued

PR Creates Web Traffic,Survey Finds

October 26th, 2000 by

PR is considered more important than advertising in setting up a successful dotcom launch. Sixty-five percent of e-businesses believe there is a strong relationship between press coverage and site traffic, and 57% say PR is… Continued

AHCA Looks For Answers On Health Disparities

October 26th, 2000 by

The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and the Comprehensive Health Information Systems Advisory Council (CHIS) will conduct a survey of Florida healthcare organizations regarding education and outreach activities that address racial/ethnic and gender health… Continued

Group Tries To Refocus Healthcare Debate

October 26th, 2000 by

The looming healthcare crisis is due more to the successes than the failures of the healthcare system, according to a new study by The Forbes Group, a Virginia-based research and consulting firm. The focus of… Continued